We start with a consultation so we can determine if Advanced Upper Cervical Chiropractic Wellness is right for you. Dr. Fox will take you on a tour of the clinic and conduct an in-depth health history (60-90 min). From your detailed history and a few brief test Dr. Fox will then let you know if a full examination appointment is warranted. Individuals who have had a previous history of Head Trauma, Whiplash, Chronic Headaches, Neck Pain, and Lower Back Pain may well be “Candidates for Atlas Correction.” He will discuss what a Primary Atlas Displacement Complex is and how it may be related to your secondary conditions and what a correction will do for your health. We do not set up one size fits all treatment programs that require patients to come back over and over. Orthospinology is a scientific, specific, approach to re-balancing the body. We base our care on the patient HOLDING the Correction and improving Body Balance. Our recommendations are based on the individual and objectively measuring the response to our Corrections. “Chiropractic is SPECIFIC or it is nothing.” Dr. B.J. Palmer (developer of chiropractic)
Dr. Fox takes extra time with each patient to get it right. Everything has not been done until a detailed study of your structural and neurological function has been assessed.
Patient Who Have Received Upper Cervical Care From Other Health Care Providers
*Please Note: ALL patients who receive care in our clinic undergo the same Consultation/Screening Appointment, Precision Digital X-rays, and Neurological testing without regard to their previous upper cervical care. It is our clinical practice to use our own proprietary precise measurements in order to achieve optimal corrections; EVEN IF you have been under the care of a board certified upper cervical doctor previously. Dr. Fox chooses to analyze each patient himself if he is going to accept them for care. We want to make this clear so there is no misunderstanding before you choose to proceed with the Consultation in our clinic.
Advanced Upper Cervical Wellness Primary Clinical Outcome Goal:
Published studies show that most patients experience relief from pain and secondary conditions, however, this is not the primary focus of an Atlas Correction. Restoring brain to body communication (Body Balance) must first be accomplished to begin the healing process. Please read the following information for details on how Orthospinology follows a thorough protocol of evaluation prior to beginning care. We do have an intensive care program for those traveling from out of state and for those who come from around the world.
Initial New Patient Exam, Nerve Scans & Precision Digital X-rays
(90 minutes)
Neurological tests & precision laser aligned digital x-rays are performed.
- Thermography Nerve Scan
- Heart Rate Variability Autonomic Nerve System Inner Balance
- Spine Master (Anatometer) Laser Postural Measurement
- Standing Brain-Balance Test
- Standing Laser Caliper Measurement (shoulders/hip levels)
- Grostic Supine Leg Length Analysis
- Scanning Nerve Palpation of Cervical Spine
- Precision Laser Aligned Digital X-rays (1) Set Before & After
- Burcon-Prill Prone Reflex Leg Challenge Response test
- Myotome & Cranial Nerve Motor Nerve Muscle test (Quantum Neurology® Module I & II Presently In Training 2018)
- Orthopedic/neurological and range of motion test
Patient Day 1 Office Visit
Report of Findings & First Correction Procedures
(2 hours)
Report of findings is presented the Doctor will perform the first Upper Cervical Correction with the Precision Orthospinology instrument. Then the patient is rested, the doctor will then retake the post (after) X-rays. If desired results are achieved, the patient will be instructed in support products and rescheduled for follow up office visit.
Tests Before Correction
- Pre Standing Laser Caliper Test
- Pre Supine Grostic Leg Length Analysis
- Pre Cervical Scanning (Palpation of the neck)
Tests After Correction
- Post (After) Correction Standing Laser Caliper Test
- Post (After) Correction Supine Grostic Leg Length Analysis
- Post (After) Precision Laser Aligned Digital X-ray Analysis
- Post (After) Cervical Scanning (Palpation of the neck)
Established Patient
Day 2 Follow-Up Office Visits
(1 Hour Appointments)
Patients who have been through their initial examinations and have received their Correction are referred to as “established patients.” They will then be scheduled for follow up visits which are primarily designed to determine if the correction is “holding”. Each visit is designed to monitor and confirm the Correction is Holding. Our goal is always to make as few of Corrections as possible and to determine if the Correction is stabilizing. We will evaluate several indicator test on each follow up visit to make that determination. Remember: Holding allows for Healing to begin ! After the Upper Cervical spine is Holding we address the Secondary conditions by utilizing specific procedures to up regulate full body neurological function. Generally speaking an average fast responder will be scheduled for (5) established patient follow up visits after their exam, scans and before and after X-rays. These (5) follow up visits will last on average an hour. The purpose of the follow up visits are to verify the patient is HOLDING the Primary Atlas Correction. In addition the doctor will perform Secondary Neurological procedures that fine tune the nervous system. Additional application of the Artho-Stim/Vibracussor and Low Level Light instrumentation are utilized. LASER CARE CENTER: The doctor may recommend and/or patients may choose to receive, at additional cost, MLS Class IV Laser Sessions. which are scheduled separately and not included in the initial (5) visit Orthospinology Correction program. (SEE LASER CARE CENTER for details.)
Established Patient When New Injuries Occur Update Exams & Precision Digital X-Rays
Please note we will perform new update digital X-rays only when necessary, which the doctor will determine based on indicators and current information that applies to each individual patient’s case. The initial Precision Digital X-rays include (1) Set of Before and After Correction Films. Any additional X-rays will be charged as a Update Exam $ 1500.00 and Update Precision Digital X-rays $ 1000.00 for a total of $ 2500.00 The doctor will only recommend additional update exams and x-rays if there becomes a new significant accident or event that has complicated the patient “HOLDING” their Correction. Such circumstances require significantly more time to analyze and make appropriate Corrections. The more complex the case the more time is required to solve the issues.
General Estimation of Typical Established Patient Follow Up Office Visits Recommended: Most Cases: 1 Correction (4) Progress Exam Visits
Follow Up Office Visits are determined by the complexity of the individuals condition. The more complex the more challenging. The doctor focuses on as few of visits necessary for each individual. The follow up visits are based on what is needed. The doctors schedules 1 hour appointments for most patients.
- (5-7 visits) Typically Majority of Patients receive (5) Visit Pre Pay Program that confirms they are “HOLDING their CORRECTION” (1 Correction (4) Progress Exam Visits.
- Slow Responders Rarely (8 or more)
Out of State (National & International) Patients Intensive Program
Patients Coming From Around the USA for 5 Day Intensive Care
Patients coming from out of state (nationally & internationally) will need to plan to spend at least 5 days in Boise for the initial correction and a series of follow-up visits to ensure the Correction is “Holding” and secondary body imbalances are addressed. Depending on the case, most patients elect to return in 3 or 6 months.
Patients report to us the following lodging are their favorites.